Wearing a hat is one of the fastest and easiest ways to punch up your look, but when you have long hair it requires a little extra know-how to get it right. While long hair is still primarily the domain of women, it's a new era these days — dudes and their broods are letting their hair down, too.
So how do you know if your hair is long? There is no definitive answer, but for women it goes something like this: Short hair is anything from a pixie cut to a short bob or other hairstyle that hits at the chin; medium length is from the chin to the shoulder; long hair is anything that hits just below the shoulder and beyond.
For guys, the lines are a bit more blurred. Pretty much anything that extends beyond ear length could be considered long hair, whether that's Bradley Cooper's straggly curls a la "A Star is Born" or Leonardo DiCaprio's slicked-back man bun.
To help you find the perfect hat that will enhance your mane attraction, we've come up with a collection of cool hat looks along with some simple tips so you can pull them off in style. Whether you're a guy sporting Steve Aoki-level locks or a gal with Gisele Bündchen-esque tresses, our guide will take the guesswork out of how to wear a hat with long hair.
Knit Caps for Men

A simple knit cap or beanie is a win-win look for long hairstyles as well as short hairstyles, including straight hair and curly hair. Made in a variety of fabrics that range from cotton to wool to synthetic blends to cashmere, knit caps are among the most versatile hat styles that can be worn year round. Although knit caps are usually worn to cover the entire head during colder months, try wearing it a little further back on the head to let your hair flow for a more laid-back look.
Knit Caps for Women

If you have thick hair, curly hair, or dreadlocks, knit caps are a perfect match because they stretch and can handle the volume. Try a slightly loose-fitting hat so your hair isn't flattened when you take it off. A knit beanie cap is a must for staying warm in winter, but in a lightweight fabric it can be a fun addition to your spring wardrobe. Whatever the season, allow your bangs or curly locks to peak out for a playful vibe.
Baseball Caps for Men

To bun or not bun? That is the question. Guys, if you have hair that's long enough to wrap in a man bun, you should consider doing that when throwing on your favorite baseball hat. It keeps things neat and tidy with the benefit of giving you a fresh look. If your hair doesn't quite reach Rapunzel status, you could also simply let it fall naturally beneath your cap with wisps around your ears. Just make sure your hair is clean — disheveled is fine as long as it’s not dirty.
Baseball Caps for Women

The most iconic American hat style might be synonymous with baseball players, but women with long hair can rock a baseball cap with the best of them. For a cute and casual look, tie your hair in a low ponytail and let it pop out the snapback. Or sweep up your hair in a messy chignon at the nape of your neck for a sublimely chic style. You can also opt to simply go with the flow and let those sexy strands hang loose for a pretty yet sporty look. Naturally, the hat should fit comfortably, just be aware that you could end up with serious hat hair if worn too snugly.
Fedoras for Men

Because of the pinched high crown and mid- to large-size brim, fedoras offer a fantastic frame for long hair and look good on just about any face shape. While a clean mane neatly tucked behind the ears is ideal (you should at least look like you put in a little effort), these timeless toppers go with just about any hairstyle and any ensemble, from jeans and a T-shirt to a slim-fitting three-piece. But take note: unless you're Dave Grohl or Jared Leto, the messy-hair-don't-care approach is not always going to work for you.
Floppy Hats for Women

Show off your hair swag with a fierce floppy hat that brings out the best in you. Tousled tresses look polished when flowing beneath this free-spirited wide-brim hat — try a straw version during the warm summer months or a cozy wool felt floppy during those crisp fall days. You could also try wearing your hair in a fishtail braid, low ponytail, or other pulled-back hairstyle for a more elegant approach. No matter what, you're on your way to an ultra-stylish look.
The Long and Short of It
With so many options, finding the best mens hats and womens hats to suit your long hair can seem a bit daunting. But the great news is that you can get creative and have a lot of fun depending on your mood. Hats add pop to any look and what's more, they're the perfect way to cover up those bad hair days.